Monday, November 3, 2014

Trick or Treat

Well, October has come and gone in the blink of an eye! Which means we are now in November and its Morgan's birthday month. 

I hope you all had a fun Halloween weekend. 

We got to enjoy trick or treating 2 nights in a row. Our town had it on Thursday and then 
we went again in my parents town. 

Thursday was a beautiful fall night and then of course Friday was nasty an rainy. If you live in Pittsburgh then you all know that on Halloween it always, always, always rains. So on Friday we just went to a few houses since it was cold and rainy. 

Morgan really enjoyed seeing all the kids dressed up. Anytime she saw a little girl dressed has Doc McStuffins she would scream "DOC"!!! 

She was so sweet when she went up to a house, she knew exactly what to do. She would look at the people and then just take one piece and run to the next house. 

Now some pictures of the sweetest Strawberry and Sofia the Frist you eve did see...

We only took Quinn out on Thursday and of course she slept through the whole thing. :)

We always sit out by the fire and pass out candy at my parents house and as you can see Quinny loved being by the fire :). 
Ah, its so fun trying to get pictures with an almost two year old. 


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