Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Quinn Marie :: 3 Weeks

It feels like Quinn has been here with us forever, not just three short weeks. 
I love watching her grow and change everyday. 

It's so exhausting being this cute!! 

And a few favorites from this week...

I wish she would just fit right here in my arms forever!

Morgan is such a big helper! She loves to help me bathe Quinn and gets me diapers and without asking she just walks the dirty diapers right to the trash. 

I hope they stay like this, I hope they become the best of friends!

Quinn officially has the Burrows eyebrow look down.
Thanks Daddy!! ;) 

Flash back to three week old Morgan...
I can't believe she will be TWO in less than two months!!


Monday, September 29, 2014

Fall Festival

Happy Monday! Hope you all had a good weekend.
Now that its fall that means Fall Festivals! Thankfully I am fully recovered from my
C-Section so nothing was holding us back from getting the girls out to enjoy
the beautiful weather we are currently having.

Our first Fall Festival this year was a great one. Originally we were going somewhere else
but they didn't really have any kid activities for Morgan so when I found this one online
we all hopped in the car and changed locations. I'm so happy we found this one because
Morgan had a blast! 

Steve and I were looking at all the pictures last night and we were dying over this one because
look identical. They are both giving the 'eyebrow look".

Waiting in line to ride a pony! 

Well, she actually ended up riding the donkey! Steve and I thought she was going to freak out, have you seen her picture with the Easter Bunny and Santa? But she loved it! She said "wee" the whole time and when Steve took her of she said "Oh no!"

It's funny how different of a new mom I am the second time around. I would have never thought of having Morgan outside the house before she was six weeks old and here's Quinn 2 1/2 weeks old at a festival. I even nursed her in public, I would have never {ever} done that with Morgan!
But anyways...look how boo-tiful she is!! 

Morgan loved every activity they had but the slide was definitely her favorite. She went down at least 15 times and had the biggest smile on her face. 

Hope you all have a great week. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Quinn Marie :: Two Weeks

Well, two weeks down and two days of being home alone with these two girls. 
Morgan was amazing yesterday but today is a little different.

Quinn is changing all the time. The big difference is she is starting to stay awake longer. 
She is a great sleeper at night, the most she wakes up is twice but she will sleep for at least 4 hours at a time. She is so different than Morgan in so many ways. She is so calm and relaxed and Morgan never stopped moving and wanted to party all night. 

She's a great eater and her cheeks are starting to get big and chunky! :) 

Oh how things are different this time around for weekly pictures. haha...

A few favorites from this week...

How funny is Quinn in this picture and how cute and sweet is Morgan? Since Quinn was born Morgan is obsessed with giving kisses. 

Such a thinker like her daddy and big sister.

It's officially time for Halloween pajamas!! 

Flash back to Morgan...

Happy first day of Fall!!!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Quinn's Newborn Photos

Happy Friday!!
I'm so excited to share a few of my favorite pictures from Quinn's newborn photos that I took last weekend. I wish I could share them all but there are so many and I don't want to bore you with the same pose 20 times just with different headbands. 

I tried for at least an hour today to get a picture of the girls together with their Big Sister and Little Sister shirt on. I managed to get a few of them alone but the ones of them together are just crazy! Morgan wouldn't sit still at all so I will attempt that another day but I at least have this. 

Hope you all have a great weekend! We are heading back home and Monday will my first day alone with the girls. Wish me luck!!